If your child has brilliant qualities, unique passions, and solid abilities, but he/she struggles to learn or behave at school or at home, this coaching series IS FOR YOU!

With all the changes currently affecting our schools, children with special needs, 504's, and IEP's are left in the balance. Virtual learning is often not an ideal option, and homeschooling can be very intimidating to start or impossible for families. If your child is able to go back to the classroom, there is always the looming question rattling a parent's nerves, "how are they going to do this year?"

I am going to help you improve your child's learning abilities, attention span, and learning-related behaviors.

OPTIMIZE Coaching with Marisa Includes:

  • 6 group coaching calls capped at 20 participants
  • 2 private check-in phone calls to problem-solve any issues you are having
  • Membership portal with supporting, short, how-to videos and resources to help you apply what you learn
  • Fun weekly activities that help you target the specific challenges you are dealing with
  • Private Facebook group page to receive encouragement, ideas and support from other parents who have gone through the Quirky Kid System or Optimize training programs

BONUS #1 Improve your IEP/504 experience - Video interview with Dr. Kurt Hulett that gives you practical guidance to overcome school challenges

BONUS #2 Choosing Homeschool Curriculum, or Tutoring Materials for My Kid With Learning Struggles -Video interview with Melissa Porterfield, Certified Teacher and Homeschooling mom of 4 very different learners.

BONUS #3 Supplements that Help Quirky Kids Succeed - PDF Info sheets and lab work recommendations

Hi! I'm Marisa.

I coach parents who are raising quirky kids...

because QUIRKY kid's can be really, really, really difficult to raise.

I take complicated problems that parents are experiencing, and I morph evidence-based research and my experiences into intriguing presentations that overtired and worried parents can act on.

Topics that I often cover:

  • Behavior
  • Nutrition (specifically for quirky kids)
  • Recurring health issues
  • Sensory integration
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Sleep
  • Bathroom or bedtime issues
  • Learning differences/disabilities
  • Medicines
  • Supplements
  • Finding practitioners

Why I'm Passionate About Your Family Succeeding

As it turns out, I have a lifetime of experience living in the shoes of a quirky kid who struggled with learning disorders, anxiety and depression. It took me a long time, lots of education, and years of experience working with very challenging children to find the solutions that quirky kids need in order to gain access to abilities that are hidden inside of them.

I am a Certified Brain Health Coach under Dr. Daniel Amen, and a Certified Parenting Coach. I have received training from important organizations like Epedemic Answers, Handwriting Without Tears, Mindsight Institute, Empowered to Connect, TBRI, and Lives In the Balance.

Some of my hardest quirks disguised my personality and classified me under categories and diagnostic labels that never truly belonged to me. But when I finally understood the many layers that intensified and caused my challenges, I was able to overcome them and have a much improved quality of life.

I have now been able to work with many families who have seen for themselves extraordinary changes that make their lives more fulfilling and launch their child forward.

It's time to get your hope up and dust off disappointment and worry. Your child CAN do better!

Is this course for you....

Please fill out the form below so I can make sure your needs align with the content we will be coviering in tis course:

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you a therapist?

On purpose, no. I am not a licensed therapist or doctor. I am however a Certified Brain Health Coach through Amen Clinics and I am trained to equip parents with the resources and support that they need to help their complex child.

How do I schedule my private coaching calls?

Upon purchasing to 6-week course, you will receive an email with a link to schedule sessions at your convenience.

How long will I have access to the modules?

Because of our downloadable feature, you have lifetime access to the content we provide. You will also have access to your module platform as long as Quirky Kids exists.

Refund policy

As soon as you purchase you will have access to your membership portal where all of the resources I provide are downloadable for lifetime usage. I also work really hard to make sure everyone receives the support necessary to succeed, and that they have access to me through messaging and coaching call. With that said, there are no refunds on the coaching program. I follow the coaching structure closely. If you have any questions prior to purchasing please call 713-389-0607.

I loved my experience, now what???

Parents raising quirky kids need a village, and we just so happen to have one. As a student you get access to our private Quirky Kid's Village Facebook page. You can also purchase the Quirky Kid System at a discount